What Does a Content Marketing Agency Do?

Content marketing is the future, and it's not just about catchy blog posts or social media pics...
Written by
Mouad Khadraoui
Published on
April 11, 2024

Content marketing is the future, and it's not just about catchy blog posts or social media pics—it's a strategic game. Wondering why content marketing matters? It's not just about being clean and compelling; it's about attracting customers without being invasive. No one likes ads in their living room; they prefer coming to you when they're ready, usually during online research.

So, what's the deal with content marketing agencies? Well, businesses want in, but the technicalities can be a headache. That's where agencies step in, offering direction and implementation without breaking the bank. Outsourcing the effort? Cost-effective move.

But what's content marketing, really? It's a digital strategy, a dance of words, graphics, and videos, aiming to drive traffic, build trust, convert, and delight. It's been around since the internet kicked off, but some argue it's as ancient as cave paintings. Sales pitches? Not here. Think helpful, not pushy. Now, let's dig into what makes content marketing tick.

Why should CEOs care about content marketing?

Because it's not just about pretty words; it's a business strategy that attracts and converts customers without the hard sell. Your audience comes to you willingly.

 How does content marketing relate to business success?

It's the secret sauce. Drive traffic, build trust, convert, and delight—these are the stepping stones to business growth.

In a nutshell, content marketing is not just about what it is; it's about why it works. No sales pitches, just a digital strategy that's been evolving since cave drawings (well, almost). So, CEOs and executives, ready to ride the content wave to success?

There are many different approaches to content marketing and many different types of content. The same content strategy won’t work for every business. Nonetheless, at least one form of content marketing is always relevant, even if you’re just creating sales decks.

For example, B2C businesses may be better served by focusing on platforms such as Facebook. B2B businesses that sell high-ticket, long-term services may want to focus more on long-form content and then share that content through platforms such as LinkedIn.


Blogging stands as a time-tested and effective content marketing strategy that has endured for decades. Its significance is poised to persist for years to come. According to HubSpot, in 2017, 53% of marketers identified blog content creation as their primary inbound marketing focus. Many businesses utilize blogs not only to share company news or press releases but also to offer insights into the latest industry developments. These practices position a company as a thought leader, cultivating trust with readers. While these objectives are noteworthy, there are additional goals to pursue within the realm of blogging strategy.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Blogging plays a pivotal role in SEO, influencing a website's visibility in search engine results. Each blog post presents an opportunity to rank for relevant search queries and keywords. Carefully selecting keywords based on customer searches and desired rankings is crucial. The aim is to secure high rankings for important terms, thereby driving increased traffic to your website.

When crafting blog content, it's essential to cater to both Google's algorithms and human readers. Choose topics aligned with your customers' interests and address their queries. Developing customer personas can guide your content creation, ensuring relevance and engagement.

Consistency is key in maintaining blog relevance in search results. Establishing a regular blogging schedule is essential, even if only a few posts are published each month. Collaboration with a content marketing agency can help streamline the process, allowing for the creation of a structured blogging schedule.

Content Offers:

Content offers serve as a powerful tool for converting website visitors into leads. Gated content, accessible only through form submissions on landing pages, provides valuable information to users while expanding your contact database.

A diverse range of content offers exists, including checklists, how-to guides, eBooks, whitepapers, and industry reports. Additionally, multimedia formats such as images, videos, infographics, and statistics can effectively engage your audience. Optimizing landing pages is essential for driving traffic to content offers.

While traffic is a byproduct, the primary goal of content offers is lead generation. Sharing landing pages on social media, incorporating calls-to-action (CTAs) in blog posts, and strategically placing CTAs on web pages enhance visibility and attract potential leads.

Creating compelling content offers requires time, encompassing skilled writing, design work, and proficiency in content management systems. Collaborating with a content marketing agency can provide the necessary expertise and tools to efficiently create, post, and distribute these valuable resources. Establishing a schedule for content offer creation is crucial for consistency and effectiveness.


Social Media Posts:

Social media marketing is a key strategy and part of content marketing. It's most effective when used alongside content marketing, with each social post serving as content designed to engage and prompt audience action. The message you convey in your posts, whether aimed at introducing your business, encouraging reading, clicks, or shares, is crucial. Having a skilled copywriter can enhance the impact of these messages.

When posting regularly, include a mix of your own content and content from others. If in a business partnership, content exchange can drive traffic mutually. Sharing industry-related content, even if not directly linking to your site, can still attract followers and generate interest in your brand.

Regular sharing, even once or twice daily, is encouraged, especially when starting with a limited social media following. Social media automation tools simplify sharing and allow data collection for assessing post performance.

Explore other social media marketing avenues like influencer marketing, active interaction, and social media advertising. If partnering with a content marketing agency, consult them for optimal strategies and assistance with tasks.

At the very least, consistently share your content on social media, a crucial aspect of any content marketing strategy.


Video content is gaining prominence, expected to claim a significant share of internet traffic. Videos, being highly shareable and easily consumable, provide a personal glimpse into your business. The type of video depends on your business and target customers, ranging from educational and how-to videos to testimonials and product demonstrations.

While videos need to be well-produced, they garner 1200% more shares on social media than text and images combined. Despite potential challenges, consider exploring video content, even starting with in-house resources or third-party assistance.

Original Graphics and Images:

Visual content, including infographics, photographs, designs, charts, and graphs, is highly shareable and appeals to visual learners. Accompanying written content with images is common practice, as articles with visuals attract more views and higher retention rates.

Utilize a graphic designer, if available, to create graphics for your website and social media. Establish a brand identity through customized images. Original images are preferred over stock photography, creating a more recognizable brand.

Consider various types of visual content, including original photographs, designed graphics, image quotes, cartoons, infographics, presentations, and GIFs.

Third-Party Graphics and Images:

When using third-party images, be mindful of copyright laws. Creative Commons images are a legal option, with different designations that may or may not require accreditation. Numerous websites offer free Creative Commons images, and public domain images are also available without payment or accreditation.

Ensure compliance with copyright regulations when using third-party images to avoid legal issues.

Why Partner with a Content Marketing Agency?

 As the demands of content creation grow, businesses are increasingly turning to specialized agencies. These agencies bring expertise, creativity, and a wealth of experience to the table. From crafting compelling narratives to executing effective distribution strategies, a content marketing agency can be a valuable ally in achieving marketing goals.

As we conclude, it's evident that content marketing is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, it's a dynamic and evolving strategy that requires a deep understanding of your audience and industry. Whether you embark on this journey independently or enlist the support of a content marketing agency, the key lies in creating content that resonates, engages, and adds genuine value to your audience's lives.

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, staying ahead requires not just adapting to change but driving it. Content marketing is not just a trend; it's a fundamental shift in how businesses connect with their audience. By consistently delivering valuable content, you not only market your products or services but also contribute to a broader conversation that shapes your industry.

So, as you get into the world of content marketing, remember the golden rule: it's not just about what you're selling but the story you're telling. Craft your narrative thoughtfully, adapt to the evolving needs of your audience, and watch as your content becomes a catalyst for growth and success.

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